Project Star Agent
My first internship was for the game company within the school: 038Games. The company specializes in ‘serious’ games. Our project is used to aid in the training of new police recruits for their driving exams. The game is aimed to improve the situational awareness of the player while trying to avoid crashes and speeding.
We were the second group to tackle the request of the Police Academy. With new input of the Police Academy, we imagined a game in which you don’t have controls over the vehicle. Instead, the game locks you down to a certain speed on one of the lanes so the player can focus on their surroundings. The player is required to either dodge the obstacles or mark them (which renders them safe). In each run of the game, the obstacles are randomized from a set of possibilities.
It was quite frustrating to see how poorly the Unity engine is optimized by itself and how much benefit a local-cache of a cache is somehow more performant. But it was great to see that the final product is now used in the academy.
This project deviated from my usual software stack, it used Unity 4, .NET MVC 5, Entity Framework 6 and MS SQL.